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Upcoming Events

If you are a parent-to-be, single mother, or parent of an infant one year and under, you can expect major challenges starting from before the child is born and throughout their infancy. Let’s not even talk about the challenges of raising adolescents, as that is a topic for another article. The...

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Catholic Charities, Norwich will be sponsoring a monthly pregnancy support group! Pregnant women and new mothers of children ages birth to 1, will meet once a month in our Norwich office located at 331 Main Street.  Each month a different topic will be covered.  Topics include: "I&...

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Catholic Charities Annual Fund Kicks Off!
On November 1st, Catholic Charities kicked off their 2018-2019 Annual Fund and mailed their annual brochure and pledge card to their faithful donors, locally and outside of Connecticut.  The money raised from their Annual Fund is used to support agency programs and needs that are not met throug...

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Catholic Charities
Diocese of Norwich

331 Main Street
Norwich, CT 06360