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The Season of Creating Positive & Sustainable Change

Posted on December 31, 2020 in: Catholic Charities News

The Season of Creating Positive & Sustainable Change

“Catholic Charities provided hope and happiness when I lost hope, when no one was going to help me with my situation."

This is just one of the many thank you messages Catholic Charities has received from our clients. Our mission, of Providing Help and Creating Hope is followed every day by our staff at our four offices within the diocese.

Through our Intensive Case Management Program, case workers assist clients on a one-to-one level, by assessing each individual’s situation. The workers then provide a tailored plan to help clients become self-sustainable. We know we are achieving our mission when we hear back from our clients with positive comments after receiving help.

Some examples of services offered include emergency basic needs such as utility and rental assistance, shelter referrals, emergency food for three days, baby items such as diapers, wipes and formula, prescription assistance, and furniture and clothing referrals. To further help our clients on a sustainable and self-sufficient level, our case workers provide job readiness and development assistance, pregnancy education and support groups, as well as financial and budgeting education.

Recently, a mother and her family found themselves in an emergency situation where they desperately needed help. The woman’s child has a heart condition, and she regularly drives to and from Hartford Children’s Hospital for her child’s treatment. The trips require her to spend a lot of money on travel, and like many people, she has a tight budget. Unfortunately, she ran out of money for essential baby needs. That was when she reached out to Catholic Charities for help, and we were glad to step in and provide it.

The case worker who helped the mother offered immediate baby needs as well as budgeting advice and resources. She helped the client apply and get approved for SNAP Benefits, which will help ease the strain on her tight budget. This particular client shared with us that, “Catholic Charities has been a blessing in my life."

This is another example of how Catholic Charities works to break the poverty cycle, and truly helps make the lives of those in our community better.

We see individuals and families every day that have different stories. Now more families and individuals have fallen into poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and do not have the slightest idea how to find and ask for assistance. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact an office near you, and our case workers will be able to answer your questions.

Catholic Charities would like to say thank YOU for your continued prayers and donations that make all of our work possible.  Together with your help, we are able to extend a friendly hand to our neighbors in need, help ease their burdens, and to be the light of hope that they need.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.”  -Matthew 25: 35-36 

If you would like to join us in providing help and hope, visit our website at ccfsn.org, or call 860-889-8346. Don’t forget to like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the most up to date information.

By Shannen Barnard


Catholic Charities
Diocese of Norwich

331 Main Street
Norwich, CT 06360